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Frequently Asked Questions ?

We recommend: For Unknown Contacts: Start with 50 messages a day initially and increase the number after a few days. Gradually 100/day >> 150/day » 200/day etc. Do not send more than 1000 messages per day from 1 whatsapp account. For Known Contacts: Message up to 5000 contacts per day. Note- Our software has no limit on the number of messages and accounts you use, we recommend it for security reasons.

Yes, you can send any photo, audio, video or pdf file along with text messages via the add button in the software.

This usually depends on how much regular activity you have on our Whatsapp account, if you have good conversation in your account and you have outgoing messages including incoming messages then you have no chance of being blocked or very rare. If your account is newly created or you have less regular activity, we recommend increasing their activity first and then joining random Whatsapp groups.

No, you don't need to save the contacts in your account to send Whatsapp messages, you can send them by importing the contacts list in the software by excel file, text file or manually copy paste method.

Bulk WhatsApp Service refers to sending WhatsApp SMS to many customers at once.

While you can send messages to people on your list in WhatsApp broadcast, you can send messages to many people with a virtual number or your existing account in WhatsApp marketing with promotions.

No, you do not need any confirmation for Bulk WhatsApp sending.

No, there is no Sender ID requirement.

Your WhatsApp SMS can be sent via Virtual number.

There are 1024 characters in a WhatsApp SMS.

Yes, you can send images in your WhatsApp SMS.

Yes, you can send WhatsApp in other languages ​​as well.

Yes, you can send WhatsApp SMS from International Numbers.

You can send WhatsApp SMS to 10,000 numbers at once.

Fees will be applied for WhatsApp numbers only.

You can easily import Excel file in comma separated format (.csv) and upload to panel, send WhatsApp Message.

The maximum image and file size is 1 MB.

Yes, you need to add country code before sending Bulk WhatsApp.

No, you can send Bulk WhatsApp SMS without saving the contact.

WhatsApp SMS credits are defined for 1 year.

You can check the delivery report at the same time as sending a WhatsApp message.

You can get your password by opening the "Forgot Password" option in the login section.

You can pay by wire transfer, eft and credit card.

If the purchased credits are made by wire transfer-eft, they will be instantly loaded into your account after approval from the accounting department. Purchases made by credit card are instantly reflected in your account.

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