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How Does WhatsApp Bulk Message Work?

This is a complete platform to engage your customers. You can set up a campaign and send them in seconds to your clients. Thanks to WhatsAPP Bulk Message Bot. Please take a look to steps to follow in order to use this awesome message bot!

Start Sending Bulk Messages in Just 3 Steps

Open and sign up for free trial. No Credit card is required.Your trial period will begin as soon as your email or phone number is verified.
You can scan the WhatsAPP account you want to use from the Accounts section with a QR code and activate it on the panel. You can also check your existing accounts as you wish, send messages and reply to your incoming messages.
Provide your current or potential users with information by submitting your submissions in Text, Picture and other different file formats. Moreover, you can easily track all your outgoing and incoming messages from one place. Get the advantages of digitalization by moving away from traditional sending processes with the WhatsAPP Robot!

A complete solution to grow your business !

Upload Contacts

You can easily add your existing contacts through excel or manually then create your contact list. It is very fast and easy way to send a message whenever you want from your contact list you have created.

Multiple Accounts

You can manage different whatsAPP accounts that you own and use frequently from a single application and keep control of all of them. We offer the convenience of transacting on the account you want, whenever you want.

Unlimited Messaging

You can send as many messages as you want to your users at any time without a daily limitation. Thanks to our fast delivery, you can make your announcement to thousands of people within minutes.

Whatsapp Contacts

WhatsAPP contacts information available on your phone and it is easily can be exported to our software and can be seen in your contacts. In this way, the information of the people in your whatsAPP contact list is on our website, this makes your communication process easier.

Auto Reply Bot

Thanks to this feature, which will save you time when you are out of work or during busy periods, you can create automatic replies according to the messages of the people who write to you.

Future Campaign

With this feature that allows you to plan ahead, when you set the Valentine's Day special days' campaigns for the time period you want, the system will send it on its own.

Personal Messages

The personalized message feature allows you to make a special communication and make people feel special by addressing the person by using the registered information such as name and surname.

Add Images

You can make your promotion or information more efficient and effective by using visuals with images, videos and files that you can add to your messages apart from texts.

Delivery Report

You can easily check your process and see the success of your campaign by using delivery reports. All the details you need, such as the numbers , sent time, delivery statuses will be provided.

Anti-Blocking System

This feature works so that the advertisements and announcements you send are not perceived as spam by the WhatsApp algorithm.

Multi Language Support

Different Languages ​​and Ease of Use for Users It allows you to send your messages in the language and content you want in an easy and understandable way. In addition, we have language options for panel and usage.

Sending Messages to Groups

IWhatsAPP Bulk allows you to correspond in groups and send messages from here, as well as view and reply to incoming messages.

All processes such as Campaign/Announcement/Support are at your fingertips with our Message Robot!

Your Customers Are Under Control with WhatsAPP Message Robot!